Frequently Asked Questions

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What accessibility services are available for guests and graduates?

GW is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. For detailed information, please visit our Accessibility page.


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Commencement on the National Mall


What is Commencement on the National Mall?

Commencement on the National Mall brings together students from all of GW's schools for the conferral of their degrees. To learn more, visit the Commencement on the National Mall page

When and where is Commencement taking place?

We will celebrate the Class of 2025 on Sunday, May 18, 10:30 a.m. on the National Mall. Visit the Commencement on the National Mall page for details about site location and arrival times, available in the spring semester.

I am a summer or fall graduate. When is my graduation ceremony?

Visit the Commencement on the National Mall page and School Celebrations page for information about participation in Commencement Week events for summer and fall graduates.

Who is the Commencement Speaker for 2025?

Jonquel Jones, B.A. ’19, will deliver the 2025 keynote address at GW Commencement on the National Mall.

Who is the Commencement Student Speaker?

Graduating students are invited to enter the Student Speaker Competition for a chance to speak at Commencement on the National Mall. Learn more on the Commencement Student Speaker Competition page.

Can I take photos and video at Commencement on the National Mall?

Review our guidelines for photography and videography at Commencement.

Is there an alternate site plan for Commencement on the National Mall in case of inclement weather?

Visit the Commencement on the National Mall page for information about the Commencement alternate site plan.


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School Celebrations


What are School Celebrations?

All schools and colleges will host a celebratory experience for their graduating students in May. At GW these are called "school celebrations." Visit the School Celebrations page to learn more.

When and where are School Celebrations?

For dates, times and locations of School Celebrations, please check the Commencement Week Schedule.

Can I take photos and video at my school celebration?

Review our guidelines for photography and videography at school celebrations.


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Visit the how to register page for detailed information about registering for Commencement Week events.

When does registration open?

Registration for Commencement Week events, including Commencement on the National Mall, is now open for the Class of 2025. Students who had their degree awarded in summer or fall 2024 or will complete all their degree requirements in the spring of 2025, or summer of 2025, are eligible to participate in school celebrations and Commencement. They must register themselves and their guests to attend Commencement Week events. Register for Commencement Week Events.

Who needs to register?

Tickets are required for all guests who will be 2 years of age, or older, by Commencement Week 2025.  Any guest who will be younger than 2 years old does not require a ticket and must sit in the lap of a ticketed guest. For detailed information, please visit the Register for Commencement Week Events page.

How do I purchase tickets or additional tickets?

During registration you will have an opportunity to request additional tickets. If you know another graduate with extra tickets to a school celebration for which you need more tickets, you may ask them to send you their extra tickets. You would then forward those tickets to your guests.

Note: Tickets to all events in the GW Commencement Week registration system are complimentary and not for purchase or sale.

When does registration end?

Graduating students have until 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, April 18, to verify their name pronunciation or provide a recording.  They may continue to register and claim tickets through Wednesday, April 23, but will not have the option to verify their name pronunciation or record their name.

Faculty may register through Friday, May 2.  Faculty do not have the option to record their names in the registration system and have no guest tickets.

What is StagePass? How do I pick up my StagePass?

StagePasses are electronic passes that contain unique QR codes for graduates to use at their school celebrations.  You will scan the QR code in your StagePass to activate the voice recording of your name that will play as you cross in front of the stage.  The QR code also activates the digital display of your name on the in-room screen (if one is available) and the livestream of the ceremony.  (The SMHS-MD Celebration will not use this feature and no students’ names are called or displayed at Commencement on the National Mall.)

If you did not record your name, or if you register after April 23, you will be issued a StagePass.

StagePasses will be emailed to registered students, at their GW email address, on May 9.


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What are GW’s COVID-19 protocols during Commencement Week?

Currently, masks are not required for Commencement events. For more information on GW’s COVID-19 health protocols, visit the GW Coronavirus Response website.


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Food and Beverages


May I bring food or drinks to school celebrations and Commencement on the National Mall?

Visit the Commencement on the National Mall and School Celebrations pages for information about food and beverages at Commencement Week events.


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How do I know if I’ll receive a cord or stole for my achievements?

Visit the School Celebrations page for information about honors.


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Letters of Invitation


How do I get a letter of invitation for my guests to receive a visa for Commencement Week events?

Instructions for requesting a letter of invitation are provided on the Plan Your Visit page.

What if I can’t attend Commencement Week events?

Learn more about livestream and recording options on the Celebrate Anywhere page.


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Are restrooms available at school celebrations and Commencement on the National Mall?

Visit the Commencement on the National Mall page and School Celebrations page for information about restroom availability at Commencement Week events.


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Staff and Volunteers


Are students hired to work at Commencement Week events?

Students who are not graduating members of the Class of 2025 may apply to work at Commencement Week events through Student Employment beginning early in the spring semester.  All applicants must complete required paperwork and receive clearance from Student Employment to work during Commencement Week.

Hired students who are on-campus residents will receive extended housing through May 19.

Do you need staff or faculty volunteers at Commencement Week events?

Staff or faculty who are interested in volunteering should contact the Commencement Office at [email protected].  Volunteers must attend required orientation and training sessions.


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WiFi Access


Is there WiFi access at school celebrations and Commencement on the National Mall?

Visit the Commencement on the National Mall page and School Celebrations page for information about WiFi access during Commencement Week.